Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cow and Indian Economy...

The subject given (I wont use chosen because alok is the one who has got this weird idea of cow and indian economy). Lets see what most I can do to prove myself equally idiotic.

Relationship of cow and Indian economy can be analyzed in four ways
(whenever you don’t have any clue of the subject, just make it complicated, and believe me, it works)

1. Similarities and differences in cow and economy.
2. How cow is useful to the economy.
3. How economy is useful to the cow.
4. Can a cow run an economy?

Let’s talk on the first one. I am sure cow is someone best to describe any economy, be it Indian or other. The way you feed cow and get milk, the same way economy works. But with that milk you get some by-products too, like cow dung. Economy also provide by products like satisfaction among people. Liquidity is important both for cow as well as economy, the more liquid you are, the more valuable you are. You see a little inflation is good for economy too keep it working but not exceeding a limit. The same way a little stimulus drugs are good for cow, but if it is too much, it may have a reaction (I am feeling like having a lecture of economics in cowshed, just try to imagine, professor sitting in a full of bull shit and giving lecture to students who are trying to figure out ho to get milk out of a cow in an efficient manner, and trying to implement feyol and taylor into it

I guess write ups should be kept small for the convenience of both parties..readers as well as writer, and here I know if you are able to read it this means that either you are alok or siddharth. So on rest points I will try in next ones, wait and watch.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Beyond Binary!

Let us confess something, strange that is, right? But we have a reason. In the name of gossips that we love so much, we hereby confess that we at time didn't use to find the prospects of making a decision very appealing(the chatter that follows in the whole process is always amazing though) and I believe to a large extent it is true even today. More so when it comes to opportunities and not so much with problems!
And I bet it should be true with all mortals. We hardly have to make a decision or two once in a while but when I see how much time we spend on them. I find it Unbelievable. And I wonder is life that difficult? And mind you I am not talking about decisions like choosing a life partner or anything of that sort which keeps half the Indian population occupied all the time.
By and large it's not the nature of problem but instead the number of options which determine how much time we will be worried about some problem (I cannot stop bringing Maths)
No Option - You are Screwed dude!
One option or Just two options -Good or Bad , Do it OR Don't do it - Worry Starts
More than two options - You are Screwed again!
And it's a No-brainer to see that there is not much you can do. And suddenly the sayings of all ancient sages, holy books and sadists seem to appear true, undesirably though! Take an example
Which girl should I marry?
No options - My sympathies!
Two options - Some worry !
Many options - Confused.
And the problem is really serious as you worry that you life will be no different from a dead duck if you end up choosing not the right girl.
But, ask Sid. "The girls are of two types - 1. Good ones 2. Very good ones. So where is the point of worry ? "
Holy Grail!
Reflect back, the decisions on which we spent countless hours, have they changed our lives upside down? You were worried which IIT to choose X, Y or Z and today you are doing an MBA and guess none of it matters now. You ponder over choosing the stream of specialization and you get a high paying job elsewhere or maybe even a low paying job elsewhere but you like it. And the list goes on.
Honey, life is too long for any decision to make a lasting impact and it's too small to waste worrying about such trivia. Keep it simple- Things are either good or very good otherwise. If you so like the one liners, sum it up in, "Kul Milake Mast raho! "

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Those who wonder what they would find on this blog we say you might be better off by dumping this blog right away. For the first time we don't intend to write anything to entertain or enlighten you. We intend to publish what we do all the time. Gossips! Reason ? Strictly because we enjoy doing it.

PS: Those who still don't care are Welcome.